Friday, May 15, 2015

Post Birthday Message


I’m sorry to say that Buster died on March 11, 2020 of a series of seizures caused by ongoing diabetes (8 years).  It’s taken me this long to publish this due to the difficulties of logging onto this blog.  Buster lived an unusual life for a cat, traveling to the lower 48 states as well as Ontario, Canada.  He saw much and remained playful for all but the last two years of his estimated two decades on this earth.  He is sorely missed, and irreplaceable 

Here's an update…
Not the greatest exposure for me, but recently after my latest operation.

Since posting last whenever, I had two annoying moles appear on my left and right temples.  The one on my left, which you would see were it not for the fact it was removed, was raised while the other was newer and still flat.  To be cautious, prudent, scrupulous, surreptitious, and all that, Matt had them removed.

For a couple of weeks I had to wear that damned elizabethan collar, or "cone of shame."  And for two weeks more my stitches, which should've come undone and dissolved after several days, finally fell off.

I fear I have become a financial burden to Matt who threatens to sell me to a tennis racket factory which will harvest my organs for string, if I continue to be a "pain in the ass."

But he hasn't done so yet, as you can see from this latest posting.

I turned 13 years old (at least) in March.  The shelter in Easton, PA estimated my age at between 3 and 4 years, though every vet I've been to suggested that was a conservative estimate, including the very first one who estimated 4 to 6 years of age.  So in March I turned at least 13, though I could've turned 15 and a half.  Not bad for someone in my medical situation.

Matt's employer has once again allowed new pets to be brought into their trucks.  Yeah, that's great until the change their minds again 3 or 4 years down the road and everyone has to find new homes for their new pets.  Matt says I'll be the last pet he has in the truck, as he seems to think my poor health and truck life are related.  He might be right as far as it being rather drafty at times.  But I know I brought many of my issues with me through poor handling and heridity or herdidity or something.

By the way, those few of you who still follow my saga should know that when I finally scratch the bucket, Matt will post an R.I.P update on the blog.  So if you don't hear from me for a while it's NOT bad news.  It simply means we're busy, or Matt forgot the password again.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dude, welcome back! Zippy says that getting old really kinda sucks, and she should know, she's 18 years old now. She gets pain stuff in a syringe that gets shoved in her mouth for her arthursitis...or something like that. And mom crushes a pill that has something like glucosmin kondrotin, or something, into her yogurt every morning. At least your fur looks nice, Zippy's is a mess as she can't bend enough to groom it and won't let mom brush her. She haf knots all over now. We hope you will post more often, we DO NOT want the next one to be a RIP post.

Buster Kitty said...

It won't be. I'm actually meowing much better these days. Will put up another post this month, Matt permitting (last time I barfed on the key button thing...lots of wet chunks gumming up the works).
Might I also suggest these tasty little beef jerky style treats called "Happy Hips." They're made for joint lubing and taste great. PetCo, Petsmart, etc...